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Most common types of immigration scams

🚫 Most common types of immigration scams ❌

Be very careful not to fall for any of the following immigration scams or fall victim to some people who may cause you to lose your status or the opportunity to get one.

1. Fraud by notarios.

Notarios impersonating immigration attorneys (Only immigration attorneys can assist you in immigration legal cases). Assistance from notarios, Paralegals and unlicensed attorneys to practice in the United States is illegal and may have immigration consequences.

2. Suspicious immigration calls asking for money

Unscrupulous people posing as Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents will take advantage of the situation that many people whose family members are detained are in. This is illegal. Immigration bond money must be paid in person, at immigration offices with proof of identification. Payments outside of this context are illegal. 

3. Labor Fraud.

If you are an undocumented immigrant and for that reason you are not being paid your wages for work you performed, you are entitled. Visit the Department of Labor’s website for more information: 


 4. Legal Fraud.

If a notario or even an immigration attorney committed legal fraud (i.e. charged you for something that was not done, added fraudulent material or information on your application if you knew about it) or committed malpractice, you have the right to report it to the bar of the state where your representative practices law. For more information visit:


5. Human Trafficking “Coyotes” or birds of prey.

Beware of entrusting your immigration future and honestly trusting your life and the lives of your family to “Coyotes” or human traffickers operating on the U.S.-Mexico border.

These people have caused human rights violations of people seeking a better future in the United States. There are ways to come to the United States legally. Do not put your life and the lives of your family at risk.

6. Labor Fraud.

If a company or even an immigration attorney entices you to work illegally for much less money than you should be paid in exchange for a promise to petition the immigrant for a green card, it is fraud. Also, people who have entered the country illegally are generally ineligible for this benefit. Be careful!

7. Fake websites.

Official government websites usually end in:


Example: https://www.uscis.gov

Be very careful where you put your credit card information. If you receive an email from a site that does not end in .gov, it is NOT OFFICIAL.

8. Visa Lottery.

Immigration will not contact you if you win the visa lottery, nor will they ask for any money to favor you in the results. The only official website for the visa lottery and to view the results is: 
