From being detained in an ICE Detention facility to becoming a defender of the Immigrant Community in the United States. The Inspiring autobiography of Immigration Attorney Jesús Reyes.
Know the inspiring story of Jesús Reyes, who was detained by ICE agents and almost deported, and later became one of the most successful immigration attorneys in the United States.
Although he experienced the misfortune of being detained and imprisoned by federal immigration agents, this did not stop him from achieving his American dream, as he was able to study law, become a professional and raise a beautiful family and his own law firm.
In this book, attorney Jesús Reyes tells his inspiring story and offers a guide of practical advice for anyone who wishes to live, work or study legally in the United States.
In addition to running his immigration law firm “Law Office of Jesus Reyes, PLLC” in Miami Florida. Attorney Jesus Reyes is constantly a special guest on immigration issues for different media outlets, such as: CNN, Univision, Telemundo, Venevision and many others. He hosts his own Podcast “Actualidad Migratoria Podcast”, keeping the community informed through his social networks and digital media.
Today, Attorney Jesús Reyes and his legal team have assisted and continue to assist hundreds of people in their immigration proceedings and also to achieve their American dream.
He dedicates his free time to different charitable projects for the community and sponsors scholarships for students in the United States.
Currently, Attorney Jesus Reyes lives in Miami, FL with his wife Laura, and their two daughters Abigail Reyes and Emma Reyes.
Are you planning to relocate temporarily or permanently to America? Have you already relocated to America, and you are having a difficult time with immigration procedures? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, then this guidebook is for you!
Assimilating to a new culture and adapting to the laws and even the language is a challenge for many immigrants. They often lack the basic legal and policy information needed to transition successfully in the United States. Therefore, we have drafted this practical guide titled “The Immigrant’s Little Guide”. In this guide, immigration attorney Jesús Reyes offers practical, useful advice for anyone who wishes to legally live, work or study in the United States.
In addition to directing his Immigration law firm “Law Office of Jesus Reyes, PLLC” in Miami, Florida, Attorney Jesus Reyes is constantly a regular guest on immigration matters on various media outlets, such as CNN, Univisión, Telemundo, Venevisión and many others. He also keeps the community informed about the latest immigration news and updates through his social media platforms.
Today, attorney Jesus Reyes, together with his legal team, have assisted and continue to assist hundreds of people who, like him, also want to achieve their American dream. Like his work, this practical guide provides assistance with the basic knowledge of the complex, ever-changing immigration policies.
If you are interested in hiring immigration attorney Jesus Reyes for an immigration speaking engagement in your city, feel free to send your request to:
A member of our team will be contacting you soon
Kind regards,
Jesus Reyes, Esq.