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The Latest Changes in Immigration

How we are affected by the new changes introduced by the US Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) as of September 11 of this year.

First, it should be noted that the US Immigration Agency USCIS decided that it will deny, as of September 11, any application it receives from immigrants, unless all the requirements strictly apply to the case presented to the immigration agency, except for the Dreamers in their renewal DACA applications, asylum and NACARA.

This means that the Immigration Agency will not give opportunity or collaborate so that the immigrant can bring evidence about his case if they are missing, if his request is incomplete, if he has an error and requested to correct it or provided a non-translated document and needs to translate it etc., as was done before September 11 of this year. In other words, the request will not be returned for correction and updating but will be denied immediately.

It is important to emphasize that this decision will not affect all immigrants, since these decisions are not retroactive. This is to say that it will not harm those who have submitted their applications before September 11 of the current year.

It is also a benefit to point out that all these changes will affect both undocumented people, as those who have documents because the latter can apply by right to Citizenship, to the renewal of their residence, or to a travel permit, etc. –  those applications may also be denied the application in accordance with the rules recently established this week that are finalized by the Immigration Agency. All this would bring a great loss of time and money, since generally if someone who is denied the case can apply again, but paying the costs for the services that the Immigration Agency imposes for the requests that are presented as appropriate.

That is why it is necessary that no single document is missing, the applications must be reviewed well, all fees paid to Immigration, translations reviewed, and finally, seek good legal advice.