The Immigration Judges see their legal and independent powers diminish as of this week to make decisions on the cases of immigrants who submit deportation orders; that is, the Department of Justice is taking all possible measures to limit how people can present their cases that are under deportation process, as well as, limit the power of decision judges have in eliminating such cases –  for example, the ability, that up to recent date, they had to administratively close a deportation case if there were legal alternatives so that an undocumented immigrant could stay in the US,  if he met the usual requirements, such as having been in the country for years, lacking a criminal record, paying taxes and not constituting a threat to national security. In those cases, the Judges proceeded to the cancellation of deportation today. Unfortunately, starting this week, this will not be the same,  except if the Government was wrong in the case of the immigrant or if the immigrant qualifies to be a citizen.