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DACA is still valid!!!!

Yesterday, Thursday, the Ninth Court of Appeal through a Judicial ruling determined that the Federal Administration can not cancel the DACA Deferred Action Program for young people who arrived in the US in childhood.
What does this mean?

This means that the 700,000 young people that this Program protects from deportation, can continue in the country, after the President announced its cancellation in September 2017, which resulted in several Federal Courts blocking their decision and ordering the renewal of protection for young beneficiaries until the appeals are resolved.

It is also important to say that the legality of the DACA Program has not been discussed, but rather the way the Government canceled it;

It is also necessary that our legislators focus on designing laws that help these young people realize their dreams in this great country that requires them

For more information regarding this topic and another one of Migratory interest visit our website jesusreyeslaw.com