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Venezuelan Immigrants May Request “Letter of No Objection”

As of February 19, Venezuelan Immigrants may request the “Letter of No Objection”, a document that is required to continue legally in the US.

Venezuelan diplomatic authorities announced on Wednesday, February 19 that they will deliver Letters of No Objection to Venezuelans who are in the US as legal immigrants, and not residents, for academic or work reasons. The news would benefit thousands of Venezuelans residing in the US and who need this document to continue legally in this country.

What does this document consist of?

The document is a support mechanism that allows the migration movement of residents of other nationalities in the US. In a practical sense, it is a consular requirement or procedure, in which in the Venezuelan case, it was denied for more than 10 years by the current regime of his country.

This procedure allows to obtain a “waiver” that must be issued by the US Department of State, in order to give the applicant permission to be able to make a change of status, or to continue studying those (for those who applied for an F1 Visa), or carry out educational exchanges or cultural through the J Visas. For example, those who work as officials in Multilateral Organizations through the G Visa.

According to the authorities of the Venezuelan embassy in the US, from the moment the Consular Registry was opened, more than 1,000 Venezuelans have expressed the need to process this document – since before many of them had the need to leave the US to avoid falling into illegality. But now that this procedure has been reactivated by the Venezuelan embassy here in the US, Venezuelans now, with the Letter of No Objection, will be able to re-enter the US.

What are the requirements to process a letter of no objection to the Venezuelan embassy in the US?

Firstly, they must be registered in the single consular registry, submitting the online application by registering on the website www.us.embajadavenezuela.org.
It will take 15 business days to have this process ready.

The final approval of this document will be carried out by the US Department of State in conjunction with the Venezuelan diplomatic authorities, who, according to information sources, will process travel documents and Nationality Certificates.

It is also important to note that this service by the Venezuelan embassy in the US will be completely free.